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Speech Language Pathology

We offer skilled speech therapy services for pediatrics through adults in an outpatient, inpatient, and swing-bed basis, with experienced speech therapists available on staff to help patients with a variety of therapeutic solutions. Our speech therapists specialize in offering therapy to help patients re-learn how to talk, read, write, and understand language, as well as helping patients find alternate ways to communicate and develop safe swallowing skills. Our speech therapy services include: helping patients to rebuild thinking, memory and problem-solving skills, allowing patients to return home quickly and prevent future problems.

Our speech therapists are specially trained to work with all speech and language disorders, including fluency, resonance or voice disorders, oral-feeding disorders, receptive language disorders and expressive language disorders. We work together to provide a range of comprehensive speech therapy services and solutions. The following treatments can be provided at Putnam General Hospital Therapy Services:

Swallowing treatment

Language treatment

Speech sound/dysarthria treatment

Voice treatment

Cognitive-linguistic treatment

Pediatric speech-language treatment

Pediatric/infant swallowing treatment
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